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Build BSP


This may take a while the first time. It'll take ~2 hours, depending on your computer power

Clone the repo

First of all, we need to clone the images repo en cd into it.

git clone --recursive --branch master
cd buildroot-zondax


To start building a dk2 we need, first of all, to generate some keys. Let's do it with the following commands:

make genkeys

Please, back up your keys located in ./keys. We recommend backing up all the directory (there should be 3 subdirectories, optee_keys, tfa_keys and uboot_keys). It's going to be really critical in some following steps so, please, don't lose this backup.

After the success of this commands, we can build the whole image with one command:

make zondaxtee_stm32mp157_dk2_defconfig

This command will launch a docker container where the build process will take place. The build process would take a while depending on your system capabilities, but generally it can take up to 1 or 2 hours. Once the process is completed the full image is located in



To start building a 8MMINILPD4-EVKB image we first need to generate optee keys:

make genkeys

Then, we just need to run one command, as the key generation is going to be done inside the build process:

make zondaxtee_imx8mmevk_defconfig

Once the process is completed the full image is located in
