This page provides a detailed view of specific tipsets in the blockchain. You can access this page by searching a specific tipset hash or clicking on the tipset search example in the home page.
Find a tipset example here.
What does the Tipset page contain?
The Tipset page is divided into:
- Tipset Overview: This section displays key information about the tipset such as its tipset ID, tipset height, if it is canonical or not, timestamp, parent tipset CID and number of transactions.
- All Transactions: This table lists all the transactions included in the tipset. For each transaction, you can see its status, hash, sender, receiver, method, amount, and gas used.
- Blocks and Miners: This section lists all the blocks included in the tipset along with their respective miners.
Navigating the Tipset page
You can navigate the Tipset page using the tabs. On top, there is the chain and network of the tipset and its identifier.