How to use it on my project?
In order to use these APIs in your project, you will need to deploy them first. As they are contracts themselves, they need to be present on the chain first. Then, using the address you get from deploying them, you can reference them on your project.
Deploy API
In order to deploy these libraries, please refer to this section. You will find useful information about it.
Import API contract on your project
Local files
You will need to copy these files to a folder inside your project. Let's name it libs
. In your smart contract, copy and paste these lines.
import { MarketAPI } from "./libs/mocks/MarketAPI.sol";
import { CommonTypes } from "./libs/types/CommonTypes.sol";
import { MarketTypes } from "./libs/types/MarketTypes.sol";
NPM Package
A better approach to import these libs is using the NPM package created for this. 🔗. Run on your project in order to add this package.
yarn add @zondax/filecoin-solidity
In your smart contract, copy and paste these lines.
import { MarketAPI } from "@zondax/filecoin-solidity/contracts/v0.8/mocks/MarketAPI.sol";
import { CommonTypes } from "@zondax/filecoin-solidity/contracts/v0.8/types/CommonTypes.sol";
import { MarketTypes } from "@zondax/filecoin-solidity/contracts/v0.8/types/MarketAPI.sol";
Create a callable instance
MarketAPI marketApiInstance = MarketAPI(marketApiAddress);
Do a call to a particular method
bytes memory addr = bytes("0x1111");
MarketTypes.WithdrawBalanceParams memory params = MarketTypes.WithdrawBalanceParams(addr, 1);
MarketTypes.WithdrawBalanceReturn memory response = marketApiInstance.withdraw_balance(params);
Working examples
In order to see a complete demo you can use as example, please refer to tests folder. You will find some smart contracts as examples