📄️ Counter Canister
The Counter Canister is a Rust-based canister that demonstrates basic functionality on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). It now includes both counter operations and basic DEX-like functionality, serving as an example of how to generate events that can be logged and later translated into EVM-compatible formats.
📄️ DEX Canister
The DEX (Decentralized Exchange) Canister is a Rust-based canister that implements basic decentralized exchange functionality on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). It provides trading pair management, token operations, and generates events that are logged using the ICRC-3 standard.
📄️ Logger Canister
The Logger Canister is a Rust-based canister that implements ICRC-3 compatible logging on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). It plays a crucial role in capturing and storing events generated by other canisters, such as the Counter Canister, in a standardized format.