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Setup and Deployment

This guide provides instructions for setting up and deploying the ICP-EVM Proxy project components.


  • DFINITY Canister SDK
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Node.js (version 16 or later)
  • Go (version 1.22 or later)
  • Rust (latest stable version)

Deployment Steps

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd icp-icrc3-evm-adapter
  2. Deploy Logger Canister

    cd canisters/logger_canister
    dfx deploy --network=<chosen_icp_network>

    Note down the deployed canister ID.

  3. Configure Counter Canister

    Edit canisters/counter_canister/src/ and update the LOGGER_CANISTER_ID constant with the ID obtained in the previous step.

  4. Deploy Counter Canister

    cd ../counter_canister
    dfx deploy --network=<chosen_icp_network>
  5. Configure and Deploy DEX Canister

    Edit canisters/dex_canister/src/ and update the LOGGER_CANISTER_ID constant with the Logger Canister ID.

    cd ../dex_canister
    dfx deploy --network=<chosen_icp_network>
  6. Configure and Deploy EVM Adapter Proxy

    cd ../../evm-adapter-proxy

    Edit config.yaml and update the ICP configuration with all deployed canister IDs (Logger, Counter, and DEX).

    make run
  7. Configure and Run SubQuery Indexer

    cd ../subq-indexer

    After the build, edit project.yaml and update the URL of the deployed EVM Adapter Proxy. Note: For easier testing, ensure the URL has SSL enabled.

    npm install
    npm run codegen
    npm run build
    docker-compose up


To verify the deployment:

  1. Test the Counter Canister:

    dfx canister call counter_canister increment
  2. Test the DEX Canister:

    dfx canister call dex_canister add_currency_pair '(record {
    base_currency = "ICP";
    quote_currency = "BTC";
    rate = 31337;
  3. Check the EVM Adapter Proxy's functionality:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' \
  4. Query the translated data using one of the following methods:

    • Use the SubQuery Indexer's GraphQL endpoint (typically at http://localhost:3000)
    • Directly query the PostgreSQL database

Deployed Canister URLs

You can interact with the deployed canisters using the following URLs:

  • Counter Canister:
  • DEX Canister:
  • Logger Canister:

These URLs provide access to the canister interfaces, allowing you to interact with them directly through the Internet Computer's web interface.