HydraDX 1.109.x
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Fill block | Perbill ratio <br/> | |||
Remark | Vecu8 remark <br/> | |||
Set heap pages | u64 pages <br/> | |||
Set code | Vecu8 code <br/> | |||
Set code without checks | Vecu8 code <br/> | |||
Set storage | VecKeyValue items <br/> | |||
Kill storage | VecKey keys <br/> | |||
Kill prefix | Key prefix <br/>u32 subkeys <br/> | |||
Remark with event | Vecu8 remark <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set | Compactu64 now <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Schedule | BlockNumber when <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>BoxCallOrHashOfT call <br/> | |||
Cancel | BlockNumber when <br/>u32 index <br/> | |||
Schedule named | Vecu8 id <br/>BlockNumber when <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>BoxCallOrHashOfT call <br/> | |||
Cancel named | Vecu8 id <br/> | |||
Schedule after | BlockNumber after <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>BoxCallOrHashOfT call <br/> | |||
Schedule named after | Vecu8 id <br/>BlockNumber after <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>BoxCallOrHashOfT call <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> |
Set balance | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/>CompactBalance new_free <br/>CompactBalance new_reserved <br/> | |
Force transfer | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId source <br/>AccountId dest <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> |
Transfer keep alive | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> |
Transfer all | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/>bool keep_alive <br/> | |
Force unreserve | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/>Balance amount <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose spend | CompactBalance amount <br/>AccountId beneficiary <br/> | |||
Reject proposal | Compactu32 proposal_id <br/> | |||
Approve proposal | Compactu32 proposal_id <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Batch | VecCall calls <br/> | |||
As derivative | u16 index <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Batch all | VecCall calls <br/> | |||
Dispatch as | BoxPalletsOrigin as_origin <br/>Call call <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Note preimage | Vecu8 bytes <br/> | |||
Unnote preimage | Hash hash <br/> | |||
Request preimage | Hash hash <br/> | |||
Unrequest preimage | Hash hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Add registrar | AccountId account <br/> | |||
Set identity | BoxIdentityInfoMaxAdditionalFields info <br/> | |||
Set subs | VecTupleAccountIdData subs <br/> | |||
Clear identity | ||||
Request judgement | Compactu32 reg_index <br/>Compactu128 max_fee <br/> | |||
Cancel request | RegistrarIndex reg_index <br/> | |||
Set fee | Compactu32 index <br/>Compactu128 fee <br/> | |||
Set account id | Compactu32 index <br/>AccountId new_ <br/> | |||
Set fields | Compactu32 index <br/>IdentityFields fields <br/> | |||
Provide judgement | Compactu32 reg_index <br/>AccountId target <br/>JudgementBalanceOfT judgement <br/> | |||
Kill identity | AccountId target <br/> | |||
Add sub | AccountId sub <br/>Data data <br/> | |||
Rename sub | AccountId sub <br/>Data data <br/> | |||
Remove sub | AccountId sub <br/> | |||
Quit sub |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose | Hash proposal_hash <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> | |||
Second | Compactu32 proposal <br/>Compactu32 seconds_upper_bound <br/> | |||
Vote | Compactu32 ref_index <br/>AccountVote vote <br/> | |||
Emergency cancel | ReferendumIndex ref_index <br/> | |||
External propose | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
External propose majority | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
External propose default | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
Fast track | Hash proposal_hash <br/>BlockNumber voting_period <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/> | |||
Veto external | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
Cancel referendum | Compactu32 ref_index <br/> | |||
Cancel queued | ReferendumIndex which <br/> | |||
Delegate | AccountId to <br/>Conviction conviction <br/>Balance balance <br/> | |||
Undelegate | ||||
Clear public proposals | ||||
Note preimage | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Note preimage operational | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Note imminent preimage | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Note imminent preimage operational | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Reap preimage | Hash proposal_hash <br/>Compactu32 proposal_len_upper_bound <br/> | |||
Unlock | AccountId target <br/> | |||
Remove vote | ReferendumIndex index <br/> | |||
Remove other vote | AccountId target <br/>ReferendumIndex index <br/> | |||
Enact proposal | Hash proposal_hash <br/>ReferendumIndex index <br/> | |||
Blacklist | Hash proposal_hash <br/>OptionReferendumIndex maybe_ref_index <br/> | |||
Cancel proposal | Compactu32 prop_index <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Vote | VecAccountId votes <br/>Compactu128 amount <br/> | |||
Remove voter | ||||
Submit candidacy | Compactu32 candidate_count <br/> | |||
Renounce candidacy | Renouncing renouncing <br/> | |||
Remove member | AccountId who <br/>bool has_replacement <br/> | |||
Clean defunct voters | u32 num_voters <br/>u32 num_defunct <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set members | VecAccountId new_members <br/>OptionAccountId prime <br/>MemberCount old_count <br/> | |||
Execute | Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Propose | Compactu32 threshold <br/>Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Vote | Hash proposal <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>bool approve <br/> | |||
Close | Hash proposal_hash <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Disapprove proposal | Hash proposal_hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set members | VecAccountId new_members <br/>OptionAccountId prime <br/>MemberCount old_count <br/> | |||
Execute | Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Propose | Compactu32 threshold <br/>Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Vote | Hash proposal <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>bool approve <br/> | |||
Close | Hash proposal_hash <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Disapprove proposal | Hash proposal_hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report awesome | Bytes reason <br/>AccountId who <br/> | |||
Retract tip | Hash hash <br/> | |||
Tip new | Bytes reason <br/>AccountId who <br/>Compactu128 tip_value <br/> | |||
Tip | Hash hash <br/>Compactu128 tip_value <br/> | |||
Close tip | Hash hash <br/> | |||
Slash tip | Hash hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Proxy | AccountId real <br/>OptionProxyType force_proxy_type <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Add proxy | AccountId delegate <br/>ProxyType proxy_type <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/> | |||
Remove proxy | AccountId delegate <br/>ProxyType proxy_type <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/> | |||
Remove proxies | ||||
Anonymous | ProxyType proxy_type <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/>u16 index <br/> | |||
Kill anonymous | AccountId spawner <br/>ProxyType proxy_type <br/>u16 index <br/>Compactu32 height <br/>Compactu32 ext_index <br/> | |||
Announce | AccountId real <br/>CallHashOf call_hash <br/> | |||
Remove announcement | AccountId real <br/>CallHashOf call_hash <br/> | |||
Reject announcement | AccountId delegate <br/>CallHashOf call_hash <br/> | |||
Proxy announced | AccountId delegate <br/>AccountId real <br/>OptionProxyType force_proxy_type <br/>Call call <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
As multi threshold 1 | VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
As multi | u16 threshold <br/>VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint <br/>OpaqueCall call <br/>bool store_call <br/>Weight max_weight <br/> | |||
Approve as multi | u16 threshold <br/>VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint <br/>H256 call_hash <br/>Weight max_weight <br/> | |||
Cancel as multi | u16 threshold <br/>VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>Timepoint timepoint <br/>H256 call_hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Register | Vecu8 name <br/>AssetTypeAssetId asset_type <br/>Balance existential_deposit <br/> | |||
Update | AssetId asset_id <br/>Vecu8 name <br/>AssetTypeAssetId asset_type <br/>OptionBalance existential_deposit <br/> | |||
Set metadata | AssetId asset_id <br/>Vecu8 symbol <br/>u8 decimals <br/> | |||
Set location | AssetId asset_id <br/>AssetNativeLocation location <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Claim | EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer | AccountId dest <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> | |||
Transfer all | AccountId dest <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>bool keep_alive <br/> | |||
Transfer keep alive | AccountId dest <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> | |||
Force transfer | AccountId source <br/>AccountId dest <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> | |||
Set balance | AccountId who <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>CompactBalance new_free <br/>CompactBalance new_reserved <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer | AccountId dest <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>Compactu128 amount <br/> | |||
Transfer native currency | AccountId dest <br/>Compactu128 amount <br/> | |||
Update balance | AccountId who <br/>CurrencyId currency_id <br/>Amount amount <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Claim | ||||
Vested transfer | AccountId dest <br/>VestingScheduleOf schedule <br/> | |||
Update vesting schedules | AccountId who <br/>VecVestingScheduleOf vesting_schedules <br/> | |||
Claim for | AccountId dest <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set validation data | ParachainInherentData data <br/> | |||
Sudo send upward message | UpwardMessage message <br/> | |||
Authorize upgrade | Hash code_hash <br/> | |||
Enact authorized upgrade | Vecu8 code <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Send | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>BoxVersionedXcmTuple message <br/> | |||
Teleport assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary <br/>BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets <br/>u32 fee_asset_item <br/> | |||
Reserve transfer assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary <br/>BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets <br/>u32 fee_asset_item <br/> | |||
Execute | BoxVersionedXcmTasSysConfigCall message <br/>Weight max_weight <br/> | |||
Force xcm version | BoxMultiLocation location <br/>XcmVersion xcm_version <br/> | |||
Force default xcm version | OptionXcmVersion maybe_xcm_version <br/> | |||
Force subscribe version notify | BoxVersionedMultiLocation location <br/> | |||
Force unsubscribe version notify | BoxVersionedMultiLocation location <br/> | |||
Limited reserve transfer assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary <br/>BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets <br/>u32 fee_asset_item <br/>WeightLimit weight_limit <br/> | |||
Limited teleport assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary <br/>BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets <br/>u32 fee_asset_item <br/>WeightLimit weight_limit <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Service overweight | OverweightIndex index <br/>Weight weight_limit <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Send as sovereign | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>BoxVersionedXcmTuple message <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer | CurrencyId currency_id <br/>Balance amount <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>Weight dest_weight <br/> | |||
Transfer multiasset | BoxVersionedMultiAsset asset <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>Weight dest_weight <br/> | |||
Transfer with fee | CurrencyId currency_id <br/>Balance amount <br/>Balance fee <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>Weight dest_weight <br/> | |||
Transfer multiasset with fee | BoxVersionedMultiAsset asset <br/>BoxVersionedMultiAsset fee <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>Weight dest_weight <br/> | |||
Transfer multicurrencies | VecTupleCurrencyIdBalance currencies <br/>u32 fee_item <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>Weight dest_weight <br/> | |||
Transfer multiassets | BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets <br/>u32 fee_item <br/>BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest <br/>Weight dest_weight <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set uncles | VecHeader new_uncles <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set invulnerables | VecAccountId new_ <br/> | |||
Set desired candidates | u32 max <br/> | |||
Set candidacy bond | Balance bond <br/> | |||
Register as candidate | ||||
Leave intent |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set keys | Keys keys <br/>Bytes proof <br/> | |||
Purge keys |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set currency | AssetIdOfT currency <br/> | |||
Add currency | AssetIdOfT currency <br/>Price price <br/> | |||
Remove currency | AssetIdOfT currency <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Sudo | Call call <br/> | |||
Sudo unchecked weight | Call call <br/>Weight weight <br/> | |||
Set key | AccountId new_ <br/> | |||
Sudo as | AccountId who <br/>Call call <br/> |