xx network 1.203.x
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Fill block | ✔️ | ✔️ | Perbill ratio <br/> | |
Remark | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 remark <br/> | |
Set heap pages | ✔️ | ✔️ | u64 pages <br/> | |
Set code | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 code <br/> | |
Set code without checks | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 code <br/> | |
Set storage | VecKeyValue items <br/> | |||
Kill storage | VecKey keys <br/> | |||
Kill prefix | Key prefix <br/>u32 subkeys <br/> | |||
Remark with event | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 remark <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Schedule | BlockNumber when <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Cancel | BlockNumber when <br/>u32 index <br/> | |||
Schedule named | Vecu8 id <br/>BlockNumber when <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Cancel named | Vecu8 id <br/> | |||
Schedule after | BlockNumber after <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Schedule named after | Vecu8 id <br/>BlockNumber after <br/>OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic <br/>schedulePriority priority <br/>Call call <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report equivocation | BoxEquivocationProofHeader equivocation_proof <br/>KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof <br/> | |||
Report equivocation unsigned | BoxEquivocationProofHeader equivocation_proof <br/>KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof <br/> | |||
Plan config change | NextConfigDescriptor config <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set | ✔️ | Compactu64 now <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource dest <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> |
Set balance | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/>CompactBalance new_free <br/>CompactBalance new_reserved <br/> | |
Force transfer | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource source <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource dest <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> |
Transfer keep alive | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource dest <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> |
Transfer all | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource dest <br/>bool keep_alive <br/> | |
Force unreserve | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/>Balance amount <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set uncles | VecHeader new_uncles <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Bond | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource controller <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/>OptionHash cmix_id <br/> | |
Bond extra | ✔️ | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount <br/> | |
Unbond | ✔️ | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount <br/> | |
Withdraw Unbonded | ✔️ | ✔️ | u32 num_slashing_spans <br/> | |
Validate | ✔️ | ✔️ | ValidatorPrefs prefs <br/> | |
Nominate | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecLookupasStaticLookupSource targets <br/> | |
Chill | ✔️ | ✔️ | ||
Set controller | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource controller <br/> | |
Set validator count | ✔️ | Compactu32 new_ <br/> | ||
Increase validator count | ✔️ | Compactu32 additional <br/> | ||
Scale validator count | Percent factor <br/> | |||
Force no eras | ✔️ | |||
Force new era | ✔️ | |||
Set invulnerables | ✔️ | VecAccountId invulnerables <br/> | ||
Force unstake | ✔️ | AccountId stash <br/>u32 num_slashing_spans <br/> | ||
Force new era always | ✔️ | |||
Cancel deferred slash | ✔️ | EraIndex era <br/>Vecu32 slash_indices <br/> | ||
Payout stakers | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId validator_stash <br/>EraIndex era <br/> | |
Rebond | ✔️ | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount <br/> | |
Set history depth | ✔️ | Compactu32 new_history_depth <br/>Compactu32 era_items_deleted <br/> | ||
Reap stash | ✔️ | AccountId stash <br/>u32 num_slashing_spans <br/> | ||
Kick | ✔️ | VecLookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/> | ||
Set staking limits | Balance min_nominator_bond <br/>Balance min_validator_bond <br/>Optionu32 max_nominator_count <br/>Optionu32 max_validator_count <br/>OptionPercent threshold <br/>Perbill min_commission <br/> | |||
Chill other | ✔️ | AccountId controller <br/> | ||
Set cmix id | ✔️ | Hash cmix_id <br/> | ||
Transfer cmix id | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Submit unsigned | BoxRawSolutionSolutionOfT raw_solution <br/>SolutionOrSnapshotSize witness <br/> | |||
Set minimum untrusted score | OptionElectionScore maybe_next_score <br/> | |||
Set emergency election result | SupportsAccountId supports <br/> | |||
Submit | BoxRawSolutionSolutionOfT raw_solution <br/>u32 num_signed_submissions <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set keys | ✔️ | ✔️ | Keys keys <br/>Bytes proof <br/> | |
Purge keys | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report equivocation | BoxEquivocationProofHashBlockNumber equivocation_proof <br/>KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof <br/> | |||
Report equivocation unsigned | BoxEquivocationProofHashBlockNumber equivocation_proof <br/>KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof <br/> | |||
Note stalled | ✔️ | BlockNumber delay <br/>BlockNumber best_finalized_block_number <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Heartbeat | HeartbeatBlockNumber heartbeat <br/>AuthorityIdasRuntimeAppPublicSignature signature <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose | Hash proposal_hash <br/>CompactBalance amount <br/> | |||
Second | Compactu32 proposal <br/>Compactu32 seconds_upper_bound <br/> | |||
Vote | Compactu32 ref_index <br/>AccountVote vote <br/> | |||
Emergency cancel | ReferendumIndex ref_index <br/> | |||
External propose | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
External propose majority | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
External propose default | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
Fast track | Hash proposal_hash <br/>BlockNumber voting_period <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/> | |||
Veto external | Hash proposal_hash <br/> | |||
Cancel referendum | Compactu32 ref_index <br/> | |||
Cancel queued | ReferendumIndex which <br/> | |||
Delegate | AccountId to <br/>Conviction conviction <br/>Balance balance <br/> | |||
Undelegate | ||||
Clear public proposals | ||||
Note preimage | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Note preimage operational | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Note imminent preimage | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Note imminent preimage operational | Bytes encoded_proposal <br/> | |||
Reap preimage | Hash proposal_hash <br/>Compactu32 proposal_len_upper_bound <br/> | |||
Unlock | AccountId target <br/> | |||
Remove vote | ReferendumIndex index <br/> | |||
Remove other vote | AccountId target <br/>ReferendumIndex index <br/> | |||
Enact proposal | Hash proposal_hash <br/>ReferendumIndex index <br/> | |||
Blacklist | Hash proposal_hash <br/>OptionReferendumIndex maybe_ref_index <br/> | |||
Cancel proposal | Compactu32 prop_index <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set members | ✔️ | VecAccountId new_members <br/>OptionAccountId prime <br/>MemberCount old_count <br/> | ||
Execute | Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Propose | Compactu32 threshold <br/>Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Vote | ✔️ | Hash proposal <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>bool approve <br/> | ||
Close | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | ||
Disapprove proposal | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set members | ✔️ | VecAccountId new_members <br/>OptionAccountId prime <br/>MemberCount old_count <br/> | ||
Execute | Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Propose | Compactu32 threshold <br/>Proposal proposal <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | |||
Vote | ✔️ | Hash proposal <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>bool approve <br/> | ||
Close | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash <br/>Compactu32 index <br/>Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound <br/>Compactu32 length_bound <br/> | ||
Disapprove proposal | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Vote | ✔️ | VecAccountId votes <br/>Compactu128 amount <br/> | ||
Remove voter | ✔️ | |||
Submit candidacy | ✔️ | Compactu32 candidate_count <br/> | ||
Renounce candidacy | Renouncing renouncing <br/> | |||
Remove member | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/>bool has_replacement <br/> | ||
Clean defunct voters | ✔️ | u32 num_voters <br/>u32 num_defunct <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Add member | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/> | ||
Remove member | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/> | ||
Swap member | ✔️ | AccountId remove <br/>AccountId add <br/> | ||
Reset members | ✔️ | VecAccountId members <br/> | ||
Change key | ✔️ | AccountId new_ <br/> | ||
Set prime | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/> | ||
Clear prime | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose spend | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary <br/> | ||
Reject proposal | ✔️ | Compactu32 proposal_id <br/> | ||
Approve proposal | ✔️ | Compactu32 proposal_id <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Claim | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/>EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature <br/> | ||
Mint claim | EthereumAddress who <br/>Balance amount <br/>OptionVecTupleBalanceOfTBalanceOfTBlockNumber vesting_schedules <br/>OptionStatementKind statement <br/> | |||
Claim attest | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/>EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature <br/>Bytes statement <br/> | ||
Attest | ✔️ | Bytes statement <br/> | ||
Move claim | ✔️ | EthereumAddress old <br/>EthereumAddress new_ <br/>OptionAccountId maybe_preclaim <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Vest | ✔️ | |||
Vest other | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/> | ||
Vested transfer | LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/>VestingInfo schedule <br/> | |||
Force vested transfer | LookupasStaticLookupSource source <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/>VestingInfo schedule <br/> | |||
Merge schedules | ✔️ | u32 schedule1_index <br/>u32 schedule2_index <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Batch | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecCall calls <br/> | |
As derivative | u16 index <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Batch all | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecCall calls <br/> | |
Dispatch as | BoxPalletsOrigin as_origin <br/>Call call <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Add registrar | ✔️ | AccountId account <br/> | ||
Set identity | BoxIdentityInfoMaxAdditionalFields info <br/> | |||
Set subs | VecTupleAccountIdData subs <br/> | |||
Clear identity | ✔️ | |||
Request judgement | ✔️ | Compactu32 reg_index <br/>Compactu128 max_fee <br/> | ||
Cancel request | ✔️ | RegistrarIndex reg_index <br/> | ||
Set fee | ✔️ | Compactu32 index <br/>Compactu128 fee <br/> | ||
Set account id | ✔️ | Compactu32 index <br/>AccountId new_ <br/> | ||
Set fields | Compactu32 index <br/>IdentityFields fields <br/> | |||
Provide judgement | Compactu32 reg_index <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/>JudgementBalanceOfT judgement <br/> | |||
Kill identity | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/> | ||
Add sub | LookupasStaticLookupSource sub <br/>Data data <br/> | |||
Rename sub | LookupasStaticLookupSource sub <br/>Data data <br/> | |||
Remove sub | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource sub <br/> | ||
Quit sub | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Proxy | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId real <br/>OptionProxyType force_proxy_type <br/>Call call <br/> | |
Add proxy | ✔️ | AccountId delegate <br/>ProxyType proxy_type <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/> | ||
Remove proxy | ✔️ | AccountId delegate <br/>ProxyType proxy_type <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/> | ||
Remove proxies | ✔️ | |||
Anonymous | ✔️ | ProxyType proxy_type <br/>BlockNumber delay <br/>u16 index <br/> | ||
Kill anonymous | ✔️ | AccountId spawner <br/>ProxyType proxy_type <br/>u16 index <br/>Compactu32 height <br/>Compactu32 ext_index <br/> | ||
Announce | ✔️ | AccountId real <br/>CallHashOf call_hash <br/> | ||
Remove announcement | ✔️ | AccountId real <br/>CallHashOf call_hash <br/> | ||
Reject announcement | ✔️ | AccountId delegate <br/>CallHashOf call_hash <br/> | ||
Proxy announced | ✔️ | AccountId delegate <br/>AccountId real <br/>OptionProxyType force_proxy_type <br/>Call call <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose bounty | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount <br/>Bytes description <br/> | ||
Approve bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/> | ||
Propose curator | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource curator <br/>CompactBalance fee <br/> | ||
Unassign curator | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/> | ||
Accept curator | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/> | ||
Award bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary <br/> | ||
Claim bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/> | ||
Close bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/> | ||
Extend bounty expiry | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id <br/>Bytes remark <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report awesome | ✔️ | Bytes reason <br/>AccountId who <br/> | ||
Retract tip | ✔️ | Hash hash <br/> | ||
Tip new | ✔️ | Bytes reason <br/>AccountId who <br/>Compactu128 tip_value <br/> | ||
Tip | ✔️ | Hash hash <br/>Compactu128 tip_value <br/> | ||
Close tip | ✔️ | Hash hash <br/> | ||
Slash tip | ✔️ | Hash hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set threshold | ✔️ | u32 threshold <br/> | ||
Set resource | H256 id <br/>Vecu8 method <br/> | |||
Remove resource | ✔️ | H256 id <br/> | ||
Whitelist chain | ChainId id <br/> | |||
Add relayer | ✔️ | AccountId v <br/> | ||
Remove relayer | ✔️ | AccountId v <br/> | ||
Acknowledge proposal | DepositNonce nonce <br/>ChainId src_id <br/>H256 r_id <br/>BoxTasConfigProposal call <br/> | |||
Reject proposal | DepositNonce nonce <br/>ChainId src_id <br/>H256 r_id <br/>BoxTasConfigProposal call <br/> | |||
Eval vote state | DepositNonce nonce <br/>ChainId src_id <br/>BoxTasConfigProposal prop <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer native | Balance amount <br/>Vecu8 recipient <br/>chainbridgeChainId dest_id <br/> | |||
Transfer | ✔️ | AccountId to <br/>Balance amount <br/> | ||
Set swap fee | ✔️ | Compactu128 fee <br/> | ||
Set fee destination | ✔️ | AccountId dest <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set cmix hashes | cmixSoftwareHashesHash hashes <br/> | |||
Set scheduling account | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/> | ||
Set next cmix variables | cmixVariables variables <br/> | |||
Submit cmix points | VecTupleAccountIdu32 data <br/> | |||
Submit cmix deductions | VecTupleAccountIdu32 data <br/> | |||
Set cmix address space | ✔️ | u8 size <br/> | ||
Set admin permission | ✔️ | BlockNumber permission <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set inflation params | inflationInflationFixedParams params <br/> | |||
Set interest points | VecinflationIdealInterestPointBlockNumber points <br/> | |||
Set liquidity rewards stake | ✔️ | Compactu128 amount <br/> | ||
Set liquidity rewards balance | ✔️ | Compactu128 amount <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Payout | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/> | ||
Custody bond | ✔️ | AccountId custody <br/>AccountId controller <br/>Compactu128 amount <br/> | ||
Custody bond extra | ✔️ | AccountId custody <br/>Compactu128 amount <br/> | ||
Custody set controller | ✔️ | AccountId custody <br/>AccountId controller <br/> | ||
Custody set proxy | ✔️ | AccountId custody <br/>AccountId proxy <br/> | ||
Team custody set proxy | ✔️ | AccountId proxy <br/> | ||
Add custodian | ✔️ | AccountId custodian <br/> | ||
Remove custodian | ✔️ | AccountId custodian <br/> | ||
Replace team member | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/>AccountId new_ <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Select option | RewardOption option <br/> | |||
Approve | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set testnet manager account | ✔️ | AccountId who <br/> | ||
Set sale manager account | AccountId who <br/> | |||
Testnet distribute | VecTransferDataAccountIdBalanceOfTBlockNumber data <br/> | |||
Sale distribute | VecTransferDataAccountIdBalanceOfTBlockNumber data <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
As multi threshold 1 | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>Call call <br/> | |
As multi | ✔️ | ✔️ | u16 threshold <br/>VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint <br/>OpaqueCall call <br/>bool store_call <br/>Weight max_weight <br/> | |
Approve as multi | ✔️ | ✔️ | u16 threshold <br/>VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint <br/>H256 call_hash <br/>Weight max_weight <br/> | |
Cancel as multi | ✔️ | ✔️ | u16 threshold <br/>VecAccountId other_signatories <br/>Timepoint timepoint <br/>H256 call_hash <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
As recovered | AccountId account <br/>Call call <br/> | |||
Set recovered | ✔️ | AccountId lost <br/>AccountId rescuer <br/> | ||
Create recovery | VecAccountId friends <br/>u16 threshold <br/>BlockNumber delay_period <br/> | |||
Initiate recovery | ✔️ | AccountId account <br/> | ||
Vouch recovery | ✔️ | AccountId lost <br/>AccountId rescuer <br/> | ||
Claim recovery | ✔️ | AccountId account <br/> | ||
Close recovery | ✔️ | AccountId rescuer <br/> | ||
Remove recovery | ✔️ | |||
Cancel recovered | ✔️ | AccountId account <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Create | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource admin <br/>Balance min_balance <br/> | |||
Force create | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/>bool is_sufficient <br/>Compactu64 min_balance <br/> | ||
Destroy | Compactu32 id <br/>DestroyWitness witness <br/> | |||
Mint | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> | ||
Burn | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> | ||
Transfer | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> | ||
Transfer keep alive | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource target <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> | ||
Force transfer | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource source <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource dest <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> | ||
Freeze | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/> | ||
Thaw | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource who <br/> | ||
Freeze asset | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/> | ||
Thaw asset | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/> | ||
Transfer ownership | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/> | ||
Set team | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource issuer <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource admin <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource freezer <br/> | ||
Set metadata | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>Vecu8 name <br/>Vecu8 symbol <br/>u8 decimals <br/> | ||
Clear metadata | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/> | ||
Force set metadata | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>Vecu8 name <br/>Vecu8 symbol <br/>u8 decimals <br/>bool is_frozen <br/> | ||
Force clear metadata | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/> | ||
Force asset status | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource issuer <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource admin <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource freezer <br/>Compactu64 min_balance <br/>bool is_sufficient <br/>bool is_frozen <br/> | ||
Approve transfer | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource delegate <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> | ||
Cancel approval | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource delegate <br/> | ||
Force cancel approval | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource delegate <br/> | ||
Transfer approved | ✔️ | Compactu32 id <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource destination <br/>Compactu64 amount <br/> |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Create | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource admin <br/> | ||
Force create | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/>bool free_holding <br/> | ||
Destroy | Compactu32 class_ <br/>DestroyWitness witness <br/> | |||
Mint | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/> | ||
Burn | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/>OptionLookupasStaticLookupSource check_owner <br/> | |||
Transfer | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource dest <br/> | ||
Redeposit | Compactu32 class_ <br/>VecInstanceId instances <br/> | |||
Freeze | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/> | ||
Thaw | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/> | ||
Freeze class | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/> | ||
Thaw class | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/> | ||
Transfer ownership | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/> | ||
Set team | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource issuer <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource admin <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource freezer <br/> | ||
Approve transfer | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource delegate <br/> | ||
Cancel approval | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/>OptionLookupasStaticLookupSource maybe_check_delegate <br/> | |||
Force asset status | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource owner <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource issuer <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource admin <br/>LookupasStaticLookupSource freezer <br/>bool free_holding <br/>bool is_frozen <br/> | ||
Set attribute | Compactu32 class_ <br/>OptionInstanceId maybe_instance <br/>BoundedVecu8 key <br/>BoundedVecu8 value <br/> | |||
Clear attribute | Compactu32 class_ <br/>OptionInstanceId maybe_instance <br/>BoundedVecu8 key <br/> | |||
Set metadata | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/>BoundedVecu8 data <br/>bool is_frozen <br/> | |||
Clear metadata | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/>Compactu32 instance <br/> | ||
Set class metadata | Compactu32 class_ <br/>BoundedVecu8 data <br/>bool is_frozen <br/> | |||
Clear class metadata | ✔️ | Compactu32 class_ <br/> |