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Getting Started with Zondax Ping

Zondax Ping makes it easy to receive important notifications from your organization's infrastructure and services. This guide will walk you through the simple setup process and how to use our API to send notifications directly to the app.

Initial Setup

  1. Download and install the Zondax Ping app on Apple App Store.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Tap the Manage Token button to view and copy your unique token.

Sending Notifications

Once you have your token, you can use the Zondax Ping API to send notifications directly to your app. Follow these steps to test the notification delivery:

  1. Send a Test Notification:

    • Use the following curl command to send a notification:
      curl --location '' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{
      "to": "<your-token>",
      "title": "<notification-title>",
      "body": "<notification-body>"
    • Replace <your-token>, <notification-title>, and <notification-body> with the appropriate values.
  2. Verify Notification Receipt:

    • Check your phone to ensure the notification appears.
    • In the Zondax Ping app, view the list of all received notifications and a dashboard displaying the total number of notifications.

Security Note

Your notification token is unique to your account. For security purposes:

  • Only share your token with authorized team members.
  • Don't post your token publicly.

Next Steps

After setting up and testing your notifications, you're all set! The app will automatically receive and display notifications as they come in, keeping you informed of important events in your infrastructure. Stay tuned for new features, new feature will come soon.