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Our proposed approach

Our suggested approach to build an alternative Polkatot host node is modular, starting from a fork of the parity host node implementation, and gradually replacing crates with our own C++ implementations.

From Rust to C++

We feel that re-writing the host node in C++ is the most appropriate choice of programming language. C++ is a lower-level language than Rust and is closer to the metal. It provides greater control over system resources and over the code. This can be helpful for fine-tuning and optimizing performance, and can lead to more efficient and faster code. Furthermore, due to its long history and large user base, it is likely that we will find existing code libraries, tools, resources and examples to work with.

A unique approach

Despite being in C++, our proposed approach is very different to that of Soramitsu, due to our architectural vision. Indeed, our approach is modular, starting from a fork of the Parity node, and re-writing their code in C++ component by component. Consequently we should be able to have a testnet running in the early days of development, and should a component fail, it will be interchangeable with Parity's rust crates, guaranteeing high robustness of the system.

Project structure

To maintain a modular structure, we create a separate repository for all the developed C++ code. This repository, called mayon, will also contain Rust crates, which act as wrappers for the C++ code. The fork will depend directly on these crates. Our goal is for it to be as simple as possible to switch out the original implementation for our own by simply changing dependencies from the original module to our crates within mayon. We achieve this structure using the cxx crate. Details on our proof of concept for interfacing Rust and C++ using cxx are provided in Mayon repository.

We suggest combining the information provided in the Polkadot specifications with help available on the Polkadot forum, as well as via the Host Implementers Element channel, so as to clarify aspects of the specifications. Furthermore, we suggest collaborating with the Spec team from the Web3 Foundation, to bring the specifications up to standard. The goal, in the long run, is to have specifications which precede the implementation of changes in the Polkadot ecosystem. This will benefit future alternate implementations of host nodes, thereby facilitating the establishment of a truly decentralized ecosystem for Polkadot. Additionally, high quality specifications mitigate the risks related to the loss of expertise, when key members -- which are holders of crucial knowledge -- leave the Polkadot ecosystem.

Foreseen challenges

Async code

Handling asynchronous calls between the fork of the original Rust code and our C++ crates will likely present challenges. To make a proper assessment of interoperability between Rust async and C++ async paradigm, we wrote a proof of concept, detailed in Proof of Concepts -- Async.

Handling dependencies

The proposed project requires effective package management due to the numerous dependencies involved. We have attempted to untangle the dependencies in the original Rust project as we are re-writing certain crates in C++, but not all of those in paritytech/polkadot will be translated. We used the Cargo dependency manager to track the dependencies in Parity's project. This helped us identify which crates depend on others, and potential issues that may arise as we begin to substitute C++ "crates" for the original Rust crates. We further believe that using nix for building the C++ project would, in the long run, be highly beneficial, as it has advantages such as declarative package management, reproducibility, and isolation. Hence, we created a proof of concept for the use of nix to manage the build process, see Proof of Concepts -- Reproducible builds with nix for details.

Translating Rust macros to C++

The Rust ecosystem has a tool that allows developers to expand a Rust macro into normal Rust code. For example, we used this tool to expand the context bound macro that is used in all the subsystems that comprise the Polkadot node. We thus understood that this macro defines the concrete protocol, and the specific subsystem it will work with. It is worth noting that C++ also has ways to perform compile-time code generation and manipulation, such as constexpr functions and constexpr variables, that we will use to achieve similar functionality as Rust macros.