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Dev Setup

Please have a look the sequence diagrams in components_diagrams folder to learn more about the high level design of this project.


  1. Docker
  2. Local k8 cluster using any of the following tools:
  3. cloudflared for port forwarding
  4. kubectl to manage the local cluster.
  5. Make the build automation tool - most likely you will already have it but just in case.
  6. Golang
  7. Earthly


  1. Local cluster: minikube/k3d/kind
    • If required to start a new cluster using config, you can do it using the k8s/mock2/clusterWithWebhookRegistration/kinDCluster.yaml
  2. Build the postgres sidecar image by running make build-sidecars

Running local

  1. Store the cluster config at ~/.kube/config
  2. Start cloudflared tunnel make tunnel-adm-controller and get the tunnel url from output file
  3. Update the URL in k8s/mock2/mutating-webhook.yaml
  4. Apply k8s/mock2/mutating-webhook.yaml using kubectl on your local cluster
  5. Start the operators and adm_controller through make run
  6. At this point, you should be able to see these components created on the cluster (you can use lens for that)
  7. Try experimenting and user flows by applying manifests in k8s/mock2 to see things in action :)

Running as chart

  1. Start cloudflared tunnel make tunnel-icp and get the tunnel url:
  2. Update the URL in tororu-operator helm chart values, under config.icpNodeUrl
  3. Update the canister id in tororu-operator helm chart values, under config.canisterId
  4. Start the operators and adm_controller through make install-chart
  5. Try experimenting and user flows by applying manifests in k8s/mock2 to see things in action :)


To run a complete demo, please follow these steps after you finish the previous setup.

Option A: Using manifests

  • Create a tororu resource:
    1. Run kubectl apply -f k8s/mock2/tororu-api/tororu-crd.yaml
    2. Check the result under Custom Resources on lens
  • Create two new CRDs:
    1. Prateek's secret: kubectl apply -f k8s/mock2/postgres-crd-1.yaml
    2. Juan's secret: kubectl apply -f k8s/mock2/postgres-crd-2.yaml

Option B: Using helm charts

  • Create a tororu resource, deploying two new CRDs:
    1. Run make install-crds
    2. Check the result under Custom Resources on lens

Creating RW and RO consumers

  • Create a pvc kubectl apply -f k8s/mock2/persistantVolume.yaml
  • Deploy the postgres server kubectl apply -f k8s/mock2/postgres-server.yaml
  • Deploy the postgres client kubectl apply -f k8s/mock2/postgres-client.yaml