How to reproduce the results?
Milestone 1
Install deps
You should choose the command depending on your OS
make install_solc_mac
make install_solc_linux
It is as simple as run the following command. It will compile solidity smart contracts and leave them on bin
make build
It is as simple as run the following command. It will compile a rust project which uses the integration crate created by filecoin.
make test
Running on lotus node
Here you will find an example that shows how to install and run the compiled smart contract on real lotus node.
$ ./lotus chain create-evm-actor CborTest.bin
sending message...
waiting for message to execute...
ID Address: t01056
Robust Address: t2dn7qowffhiygdmba3hsum6roquyhhqrh4y74rbq
Return: gkMAoAhVAht/B1ilOjBhsCDZ5UZ6LoUwc8In
$ ./lotus chain invoke-evm-actor t01056 b10d18b8 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000640000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
sending message...
waiting for message to execute...
$ ./lotus state list-messages --to t01056
"Version": 0,
"To": "t01056",
"From": "t3q4pntto27catfcuo5kj672pvjicabkyjoqavbovles2hb462z7r6oiukvd6lhs6skfss4vbytn4uffkodgma",
"Nonce": 165,
"Value": "0",
"GasLimit": 133834208,
"GasFeeCap": "101727",
"GasPremium": "100673",
"Method": 2,
"CID": {
"/": "bafy2bzacecf2ndxvisedvijglbwt2rmqwczcc4jmlqg2qizdjuikqeiecbhec"
$ ./lotus state search-msg bafy2bzacecf2ndxvisedvijglbwt2rmqwczcc4jmlqg2qizdjuikqeiecbhec
Executed in tipset: [bafy2bzacecbwmbw2pabgupmzv34fqmskszvgpsntzqvj7yq3xawukg6tjyfea]
Exit Code: 0
Gas Used: 107072567
Return: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000582420064f5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ERROR: method 2 not found on actor bafk2bzacecvnas7szvqytqj2iwkl3zmhdc5snv7wj3emfrh64qefcgdclpcgo
Milestone 2
Install deps
You should choose the command depending on your OS
make install_solc_mac
make install_solc_linux
It is as simple as run the following command. It will compile solidity smart contracts and leave them on bin
make build
It is as simple as run the following command. It will compile a rust project which uses the integration crate created by filecoin.
make test