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Storage Power Actor

Strorage power actor is responsible for keeping track of the storage power allocated at each storage miner.

The ActorCode for storage power built-in actor is hex"0004" which will be used to call methods in storage power actor. You also need to specify method number of which method you want to invoke. Please refer the each method for its method number.


function createMiner(PowerTypes.CreateMinerParams memory params, uint256 value) internal returns (PowerTypes.CreateMinerReturn memory) {}

Create a new miner for the owner address and worker address.

uint CreateMinerMethodNum = 1173380165.


  • struct CreateMinerParams
    • FilAddress Owner - the address of the owner.
    • FilAddress Worker - the address of the worker.
    • RegisteredPoStProof WindowPoStProofType - the type of RegisteredPoStProof.
    • FilAddress Peer - peerID.
    • FilAddress[] Multiaddrs - the multi-address which is used to control new created miner.
  • uint256 value - the amount of token the new miner will receive


  • CreateMinerReturn

    • FilAddress IDAddress - The canonical ID-based address for the actor.
    • FilAddress: RobustAddress -A more expensive but re-org-safe address for the newly created actor.


function networkRawPower() internal returns (CommonTypes.BigInt memory) {}

Return the total raw power of the network.

uint NetworkRawPowerMethodNum = 931722534.


  • null


  • BigInt NetworkRawPowerReturn - the raw storage power of the whole network.


function minerRawPower(uint64 minerID) internal returns (PowerTypes.MinerRawPowerReturn memory) {}

Return the raw power claimed by the specified miner, and whether the miner has more than the consensus minimum amount of storage active.

uint MinerRawPowerMethodNum = 3753401894.


  • MinerRawPowerParams
    • uint64 Miner - Miner ID


  • struct MinerRawPowerReturn
    • BigInt RawBytePower - the row power of the miner.
    • bool MeetsConsensusMinimum - if the miner power meets the minimum for consensus.


function minerCount() internal returns (uint64) {}

Returns the total number of miners created, regardless of whether they have any pledged storage.

uint MinerRawPowerMethodNum = 3753401894.


  • null


  • uint64 MinerCountReturn - the count of the miners that the caller address has.


function minerConsensusCount() internal returns (int64) {}

Returns the total number of miners that have more than the consensus minimum amount of storage active.

uint MinerConsensusCountMethodNum = 196739875.


  • null


  • int64 MinerConsensusCountReturn - the count of the miners meet the consensus minimum that the caller address has.