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Verified Registry Actor

Verified registry actor is responsible for managing verified clients.

The ActorCode for verified registry built-in actor is hex"0006" which will be used to call the exported methods in verified registry built-in actor. You also need to specify method number of which method you want to invoke. Please refer the each method for its method number.


function addVerifiedClient(VerifRegTypes.AddVerifiedClientParams memory params) internal {}

To add a verified Client address to Filecoin Plus program.

uint constant AddVerifierClientMethodNum = 3916220144.


  • struct AddVerifierClientParams
    • FilAddress Address - the verified client address
    • BigInt Allowance - approved DataCap for this verified client


  • struct EmptyValue.


function removeExpiredAllocations(
VerifRegTypes.RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams memory params
) internal returns (VerifRegTypes.RemoveExpiredAllocationsReturn memory) {}

Remove the expired DataCap allocations and reclaimed those DataCap token back to Client. If the allocation amount is not specified, all expired DataCap allocation will be removed.

uint RemoveExpiredAllocationsMethodNum = 2873373899.


  • struct RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams
    • FilActorId Client - the client address for which to expired allocations.
    • FilActorId[] AllocationIDs - List of allocation IDs to attempt to remove. If empty, will remove all eligible expired allocations.


  • struct RemoveExpiredAllocationsReturn
    • FilActorId[] Considered - Allocation IDs are either specified by the caller or discovered to be expired.
    • BatachReturn Results - results for each processed allocation.
    • BigInt DataCapRecoverd - The amount of DataCap token reclaimed for the client.


function getClaims(VerifRegTypes.GetClaimsParams memory params) internal returns (VerifRegTypes.GetClaimsReturn memory) {}

Return a list of claims corresponding to the requested claim ID for specific provider.

uint GetClaimsMethodNum = 2199871187.


  • structGetClaimsParams
    • FilActorId Provider - the provider address.
    • FilActorId[] ClaimIDs - A list of Claim IDs for specific provider.


  • struct GetClaimsReturn
    • struct BatchReturn

      • uint32 SuccessCount - total successes in the batch.
      • struct FailCode[] {uint32 idx, uint32 code} - list of failure code and index for all failures in batch.
    • struct Claim[] Claims - list of Claims returned.

      • FilActorId Provider - The provider storing the data.
      • FilActorId Client - The client which allocated the DataCap.
      • bytes Data - Identifier for the data committed.
      • uint64 Size - The size of the data.
      • ChainEpoch TermMin - The min period after term started which the provider must commit to storing data.
      • ChainEpoch TermMax - The max period after term started for which the provider can earn QA-power for the data.
      • ChainEpoch TermStart - the epoch at which the piece was committed.
      • FilActorId Sector - ID of the provider's sector in which the data is committed.


function extendClaimTerms(VerifRegTypes.ExtendClaimTermsParams memory params) internal returns (CommonTypes.BatchReturn memory) {}

Extends the maximum term of some claims up to the largest value they could have been originally allocated. This method can only be called by the claims' client.

uint ExtendClaimTermsMethodNum = 1752273514.


  • struct ExtendClaimTermsParams
    • struct ClaimTerm[] Terms
      • FilActorId Provider - The provider address which storing the data.
      • FilActorId CliamID - Claim ID.
      • ChainEpoch TermMax - The max chain epoch to extend.


  • struct ExtendClaimTermsReturn
    • struct BatchReturn
      • uint32 SuccessCount - total successes in the batch.
      • struct FailCodes[] {uint32 idx, uint32 code} - list of failure code and index for all failures in batch.


function removeExpiredClaims(VerifRegTypes.RemoveExpiredClaimsParams memory params) internal returns (VerifRegTypes.RemoveExpiredClaimsReturn memory) {}

To remove a claim with its maximum term has elapsed.

uint RemoveExpiredClaimsMethodNum = 2873373899.


  • struct RemoveExpiredClaimsParams
    • FilActorId Provider - the provider address.
    • FilActorId[] ClaimIDs - A list of Claim IDs with expired term. If no claims are specified, all eligible claims will be removed.


  • struct RemoveExpiredClaimsReturn
    • FilActorId[] Considered - a list of IDs of the claims that were either specified by the caller or discovered to be expired.
    • struct BatchReturn
      • uint32 SuccessCount - total successes in the batch
      • struct FailCodes[] {uint32 idx, uint32 code} - list of failure code and index for all failures in batch.