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Test your code

Pre requisites

In order to interact with your newly created actor, you will need to take three files from build folder:

  • release.wasm
  • abi.json
  • definition.ts


Add package to project

yarn add --dev "@zondax/fvm-client-tool"

Import lib

import {init, ContractManager} from "@zondax/fvm-client-tool";

Set lotus node

This step is required only once.

init(nodeUrl, nodeToken);

Install actor

const resp = await ContractManager.install(account, path.join(__dirname, "./contract/custom/binary.wasm"));
const { cid, isInstalled } = resp;

Create client from installed binary

// Create client from installed binary.
// In order to invoke methods, you will need to instantiate the actor first
const ABI = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "./contract/custom/abi.json"), "utf-8"));
const client = ContractManager.create<Custom>(cid, ABI);

Create client from previous instance

// Create client from pre-existing instance of the contract
const contractAddress = (client as any as ContractManager).getContractAddress();
const clientFromAddress = ContractManager.load<Custom>(contractAddress, ABI);

Instantiate actor

// Create a new instance of an actor from binaries
await, "0");

Invoke methods

 const args = {
u64Array: [1000n, 1000n],
stringArray: ["data", "test", "dasda"],
u64Map: { test: 1000n },
customArg: {
argumentsArray: [{ counterLong: 100n, counterShort: 11111, message: "testing message 1" }],
argumentsMap: { field1: { counterLong: 100n, counterShort: 111, message: "testing message 2" } },

const message_1 = await client.say_hello(account, "0", args);

Note: In order to see how this works on live, please go to this example ↗️